Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Instructional Strategies Blog #2

Strawberry DNA Lab

I guess by now you can tell I’m a big proponent of doing labs. I think that being able to see something that we so often conceptualize is a great way to make the info stick. Also, it's a good time to use a  performance assessment.
DNA, everybody has it. And yes we’ve been told that it looks like a double helix, but what does it really LOOK like? Well, we can take a peek at some strawberry DNA with our naked eye.
This lesson plan was found at http://scienceteacher411.com/berry_dna.pdf
Using regular grocery store strawberries, you will squish your way into some DNA. 
I demonstrate the lab the day before so the students fully understand the lab directions, the purpose of the chemicals used and the extremely important safety procedures.