Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Instructional Strategies Blog #3

Observing Osmosis

So this lesson plan gets to mix a little direct instruction in (usually I do labs at the end of a concept, chapter or topic),  is inquiry based and includes my favorite subject...SCIENCE.

This lesson plan is from another awesome biology teacher. He has really great ideas. http://gonzscience.weebly.com/uploads/8/6/7/2/8672559/onion_osmosis_lab_2012.pdf

Students will practice their slide making and microscope skills and then they will observe what happens to onion cells in iso-, and hypertonic solutions.

These types of labs are usually available to be viewed as virtual labs on the computer, and sometimes that can be a good alternative if you don't have the resources or time available at your school.

Sometimes I do it as a demonstration lab when I have alot of students that need more explanation and guidance during the lab portion. And I have them answer the questions for individual practice and assessment.

You can also expand the lesson for advanced for hypotonic solutions and lysis.


  1. Nice, I love it. Great blog, I love the lay out.

  2. Using microscopes in science was always a favorite activity for me! The onion slides are great ways to show how cells look in different solutions. It's great to use technology for a virtual lab if microscopes are not widely available or if using for younger students who aren't as experienced with a microscope.

  3. Absolutely wonderful. We did something similar at school. Kids love it. Great lesson
